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My ideals and the career path

I was born in 1969 into a Uighur family in Atush City, Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). I grew up in a government employee residential compound where Uighurs and Hans lived together. My grandfather’s generation was illiterate, but ...[Full text]

A Conference on Uyghur crisis and professor Ilham Tohti

Two days before announce the European “Václav Havel Human Rights Prize” 2019,  a “Conference on Uyghur crisis and professor Ilham Tohti” held in Utrich, Netherland, organised by Ilham Tohti Institute … [Full]

Interview With Ilham Tohti by Tsering Woeser on 1st Nov 2009








Contact us

Contact ITI

  • P R E S S R E L E A S E / 27 April 2020

    Ilham Tohti Institute 27/4/2020______________________________________________________________________________ Address: Ilham Tohti InstituteC/o. Enver Can Eichenstrasse 19, 85235 OdelzhausenGermany Topic:    Ilham Tohti Institute For Immediate Release (CET) With this press release, we are kindly informing you that the name of the Ilham Tohti Initiative is being changed to the Ilham Tohti Institute (ITI in abbreviation) to engage with the media, research and publication. The Ilham Tohti Initiative, was officially established on the 6th of August 2016 in Germany. So far the Initiative, among other activities has nominated Prof. Ilham Tohti for many international human rights awards, including the “Sakharov Freedom of Thought Award“ of the European Parliament. The newly formed Ilham Tohti Institute is a non-governmental NGO organisation named after the unjustly imprisoned Uyghur academic Professor Ilham Tohti. The multi-national entity is open to anyone regardless of nationality, ethnicity and religious affiliation, who agrees with Tohti’s ideas and shares his vision. The Ilham Tohti Institute has the goal to promote Ilham Tohti’s ideas and make them into a reality. The ITI will promote them internationally as an instrument to help achieve freedom, equality, democracy, peace and stability for the Uyghur people. To achieve these goals, the ITI will hold international seminars and conferences, make research, publish statements, brochures, books and other printed materials, engage in advocacy work and cooperate with various international bodies, including democratic governments, relevant UN agencies and NGOs, national and local Parliaments to seek their support and solidarity. In scientific and cultural events, the public is to be made aware of the Uyghur people and their present critical human rights situation in China and these interests must be aroused. In this regard, scientists, politicians, writers, activities and artists will provide lectures and other events to draw attention to the culture of the Uyghur’s and their achievements in various fields.  We will campaign for the immediate […]

  • Contact us

    Enver Can, president of Ilham Tohti Institutec/o Enver Can, Eichenstrasse 19, 85235 Odelzhausen, GERMANYTel.: +491738912048Email: Aziz Isa Elkun, Secretary of Ilham Tohti InstituteLondon, United KingdomEmail:
