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My ideals and the career path

I was born in 1969 into a Uighur family in Atush City, Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). I grew up in a government employee residential compound where Uighurs and Hans lived together. My grandfather’s generation was illiterate, but ...[Full text]

A Conference on Uyghur crisis and professor Ilham Tohti

Two days before announce the European “Václav Havel Human Rights Prize” 2019,  a “Conference on Uyghur crisis and professor Ilham Tohti” held in Utrich, Netherland, organised by Ilham Tohti Institute … [Full]

Interview With Ilham Tohti by Tsering Woeser on 1st Nov 2009








Post Tagged with: "Enver Can"

  • First Anniversary of Awarding Prof. Ilham Tohti with Sakharov Prize

    For Immediate Release 12:00 (CET)Date: 18 December 2020Contact: Enver Can,; +49-1738912048 The Ilham Tohti Initiative reiterates its applaud on the first anniversary of awarding Prof. Ilham Tohti with the Sakharov Prize by the European Parliament, but at the same time calls the European Union to  turn its criticism into action on the human rights issue in its relations with the People’s Republic of China in light of the current deteriorating situation in the Uyghur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang (XUAR). Ilham Tohti, Professor at the Minzu University of Beijing, who advocated ethnic harmony and implementation of Autonomy Laws, was sentenced to life in prison after two days of show-trial on charges of separatism, 23th of September 2014. The Beijing regime wanted to silence the Uyghur scholar behind the bars, but Prof. Tohti and his ideas are now better known by the world community than ever before. Thus Mr. Tohti, also called the ‘Mandela of the Uyghur people’ by some Chinese intellectuals, has won at least 8 international human rights and freedom awards during the last 6 years. Among them the Sakharov Award for ‘Freedom of Thought’ is the most prestigious. He was also a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize since 2018 and one of the five finalists in 2020. Prof. Ilham Tohti is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2021. Prof. Ilham Tohti is known to be kept in Urumchi Prison Number One against Chinese law though he is a resident of Beijing. His family has not been able to visit him for the last 5 years. Thus, Ms. Margarete Bause, human rights speaker of the Greens at the Federal Parliament (Bundestag) of Germany, draws attention to the importance of honoring Mr. Tohti with the Sakharov Prize last year and describes the Award as a clear signal to the leaders in Beijing to stop […]

  • Demonstration in front of the Office of German Chancellor Angels Merkel

    A joint demonstration in front of the Office of German Chancellor Angels Merkel hold in Berlin on Monday, 14th of September to protest the beginning of China-EU video-Conference. The Video-Conference was chaired by Ms.Merkel and the current Chair of the European Union. The Ilham Tohti Institute was one of the co-hosts of the demonstration in which Mr. Enver Can, read his open Letter to Ms. Merkel which he sent her two days before calling the German Chancellor to support the human rights of Uyghur people and asked her to help free Prof. Ilham Tohti and bring him to Germany! The demonstration was also addressed by members of the Federal Parliament Ms. Margarete Bause (the Greens) and Ms. Gyde Jensen ( FDP).

  • Offener Brief an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in Zusammenhang mit ihre Videogipfel mit der Chinesische President Xi Jinping

                                                               O F F E N E R  B R I E F                                                                                                                               11 September 2020 Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin,liebe Frau Dr. Merkel, es ist sechs Jahre her, seit Prof. Ilham Tohti, auch der „Mandela der Uiguren“ genannt, zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt wurde und im Gefängnis No.1 in Urumchi in Einzelhaft sitzt, obwohl er sich für ethnische Harmonie in China und für die Umsetzung des Autonomierechtes in Xinjiang eingesetzt hatte. Wir haben keinerlei Nachricht über sein Befinden, seine Frau und seine Kinder konnten ihn seit mehr als drei Jahren nicht besuchen. Deswegen sind wir äußerst besorgt um seinen psychischen und leiblichen Zustand und seine Familie leidet enorm unter dem Druck und sozialer Ausgrenzung in Beijing. Seit seiner Verurteilung hat sich die Menschenrechtslage der Uiguren dramatisch verschlechtert: Ein bis drei Millionen Menschen wurden in Straflagern inhaftiert, uigurische Frauen sterilisiert, Zwangsabtreibungen und Zwangsarbeit verordnet, jede Ausdrucksform religiöser Gefühle kriminalisiert, Moscheen und Friedhöfe zerstört, Kinder in Waisenheime gesperrt. Die Identität des uigurischen Volkes soll mit allen Mitteln ausgelöscht werden. Dieses Vorgehen entspricht der Definition von Völkermord gemäß der Völkermordkonvention der Vereinten Nationen. Die CCP hat chinesische Menschenrechtler und den Friedensnobelpreisträger Liu Xiaobo im Gefängnis sterben lassen und nun fürchten wir um Ilham Tohtis Leben. Doch eine liberale Stimme wie die Ilham Tohtis wäre nicht nur für die Uiguren, sondern allgemein für Frieden, Stabilität und Völkerfreundschaft von allergrößter Wichtigkeit. Angesichts dieser Situation bitte ich Sie, liebe Frau Merkel, sich für die Rechte der Uiguren einzusetzen und Xi Jinping aufzufordern, Prof. Ilham Tohti und alle uigurischen politischen Gefangenen freizulassen, sowie die Straflager zu schließen. Während der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft ist es die moralische und politische Verantwortung Deutschlands, der Volksrepublik China klarzumachen, dass der Völkermord an den Uiguren nicht hinnehmbar ist. Falls eine Freilassung oder eine Ausreise nach Deutschland zu medizinischer Behandlung absolut ausgeschlossen ist, sollte er zumindest von Urumchi […]

  • Open letter to Mr. Heiko Maas, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany

    30 August 2020 Dear Mr. Maas, On the 23rd of September, it will be the sixth Anniversary of the  verdict of Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti who was accused of so called “Separatism“ and sentenced to life in prison. Prof. Ilham Tohti whom is also called “the Mandela of Uyghur people“ had campaigned for the Uyghur people’s human rights and the implementation of the Autonomy Laws promised to the Uyghurs, but the Chinese Regime decided to silence him behind the bars. Ilham Tohti is kept in Urumchi Prison No. 1 in solitary confinement. We have no information about his wellbeing and his family, including his wife and children, have not been able to visit him for more than 3 years now. Therefore we are very much concerned about Ilham Tohti’s health and mental state. Since his imprisonment, the human rights situation of the Uyghur people has been steadily deteriorating:  in the past 3 years, 1 to 3 million Uyghurs have been detained in Chinese interment camps, Uyghur women have been sterilised in an attempt to decrease Uyghur population, Uyghurs have been subjected to forced labour and modern slavery, Uyghur language has been banned in education, civil adminstrations and in the wider public, even basic expressions of religious sentiment have been criminalised, Uyghur mosques, shrines, graveyards and homes have been destroyed, children have been taken away from their families and the Chinese Communist Party is actively implementing these policies to eradicate the Uyghur cultural and ethnic identity with forcible assimilations. These atrocities aligne with the definition of genocide under the UN Genocide Convention.  Mr. Maas, considering the above situation, I would like to ask you to defend the rights of Uyghur people during your talks with Mr. Wang Yi and urge your Chinese counterpart to release Ilham Tohti, and all Uyghur prisoners and close […]

  • Uyghur Human Rights issue and Ilham Tohti case introduced at the IYI Party’s video conference

  • Mr. Enver Can visited Ankara to introduce Ilham Tohti

  • My acceptance speech receiving Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize on behalf of Ilham Tohti

  • Enver Can on behalf of I. Tohti, co-winner of the Václav Havel Human Rights Prize