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My ideals and the career path

I was born in 1969 into a Uighur family in Atush City, Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). I grew up in a government employee residential compound where Uighurs and Hans lived together. My grandfather’s generation was illiterate, but ...[Full text]

A Conference on Uyghur crisis and professor Ilham Tohti

Two days before announce the European “Václav Havel Human Rights Prize” 2019,  a “Conference on Uyghur crisis and professor Ilham Tohti” held in Utrich, Netherland, organised by Ilham Tohti Institute … [Full]

Interview With Ilham Tohti by Tsering Woeser on 1st Nov 2009








Posts by Tughluq Qutluq

  • Live Webinar in Chinese: The Uyghur Issue(3)

    Invitation to a life Webinar in Chinese language on Friday, 12th of March at 4:00 PM (CET). Topic: The Uyghur Issue(3) – Uyghur GenocideAwareness, Dialogue and Outlook Register: Zoom ID: 819 5862 7226 邀請参加Zoom网络研讨会。时间:2021年3月12日 04:00 下午 阿姆斯特丹,柏林,罗马,斯德哥尔摩,维也纳主题:維吾爾議題(3)——維吾爾種族滅絕真相、對話與解決方案 提前注册此网络研讨会: Zoom ID:819 5862 7226 注册后,您将收到确认电子邮件,其中包括关于加入网络研讨会的信息。

  • The Uyghur Issue(2): Commemoration of the 7th Anniversary of Prof Ilham Tohti’s Imprisonment

    January 15 is the 7th anniversary of the arrest of Professor Ilham Tohti. Ilham Tohti Institute organized an online seminar, titled: “Commemoration of the 7th Anniversary of Prof Ilham Tohti’s Imprisonment” 一月十五日,为纪念伊力哈木土赫提教授被捕七周年,伊力哈木土赫提国际机构召开了在线中文研讨会,主题是《维吾尔问题(2):伊力哈木·土赫提教授被监禁7周年纪念》

  • Live Webinar in English: The Uyghur Issue(2)

    Uyghur Issue(2): Commemoration of the 7th Anniversaryof Prof. Ilham Tohti’s Imprisonment Webinar Date: 15 January 2021, Time: 18:00 (CET) Registration URL: GotoWebinar ID: 579-724-987

  • Live Webinar in Chinese: The Uyghur Issue(2)

    Uyghur Issue(2): Commemoration of the 7th Anniversary of Prof. Ilham Tohti’s Imprisonment 维吾尔问题(2):伊力哈木·土赫提教授被监禁7周年纪念 Webinar Date: 15th January, CET 15:00 Registration URL: GoToWebinar ID: 767-516-291
