Archive for November, 2020
The Ilham Tohti Institute welcomes the appointment of Mr. Uerkesh Davlet as the Executive Deputy General Secretary of the Taiwan Parliamentary Human Rights Commission
PRESS RELEASE For immediate Release (CET)Subject: Mr. Uerkesh Davlet’s Appointment Date 26 November 2020 Contact: Enver Can +491738912048 The Ilham Tohti Institute (ITI) welcomes the appointment of Mr. Uerkesh Davlet (also known as Wu’er Kaixi) as the Executive Deputy General Secretary of the Taiwan Parliamentary Human Rights Commission. This represents an appropriate move in light of the deteriorating human rights situation of the Uyghurs, as the Chinese Government have been implementing a policy of genocide on the entire Uyghur population. Mr. Davlet, a co-founder of the ITI and the Honorary President of the Ilham Tohti Institute, was the first best known Uyghur political figure around the world after his courageous leading role during the Tiananmen protests in 1989. Wu’er Kaixi who had arrived on the scene in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, in mid-April 1989, the very beginning of the student movement, had quickly emerged as one of the most outspoken student leaders as the size of the crowds increased and after organizing the most successful demonstration of the 1989 movement on 27 April, was elected as the founding President of the Autonomous independent student’s association at Beijing Normal University. Mr. Enver Can, President of the ITI, who used to work as a journalist at the Munich based RFE/RL, recalls his memory of more than three decades ago and says, he was excited and proud hearing a student from Uyghur origin named Wu’er Kaixi has told Chinese Prime Minister (May 1989) Li Pen. “I understand it is quite rude of me to interrupt you, Premier, but there are people sitting out there in the square, being hungry, as we sit here and exchange pleasantries. We are only here to discuss concrete matters, Sir.” Mr. Davlet in reply to the ITI’s question and expressing his happiness to being appointed as the Executive Deputy Secretary General, says that one […]
从“屯垦戍边”到 “维稳戍边”
伊利哈姆托合提研究院|荷兰维吾尔人权基金会 2020年11月 在中共建立《中华人民共和国》之前维吾尔人曾两次独立建国。1949年王震侵略前,蓝色星月国旗还飘扬在东突厥斯坦的大地上,在军事,政治,经济和外交领域他们是完全独立并与中共没有任何瓜葛。不过今天维吾尔人的国土居然变成了《自古以来是中国领土不可分割的一部分》。在每一年的11月12日维吾尔人以各种形势来纪念他们曾今建立过的《东突厥斯坦共和国》,因为每一个维吾尔人心里都很明白他们不属于中国,正因为如此他们才会不断的遭受迫害并最终落到被种族灭绝。 其实在苏共和共产国际扶持下问世的中华苏维埃共和国在1931年11月,召开的第–次全国代表大会上通过了《中华苏维埃共和国宪法大纲》,其中规定:“中国苏维埃政权承认中国境内少数民族达到自决权,一直承认到各弱小民族有同中国脱离,自己成立独立国家的权利。他们完全有自决权,加入或脱离中华苏维埃联邦或建立自己的自治区。中国苏维埃政权现在要努力帮助这些弱小民族脱离帝国主义国民党军阀王公喇嘛土司等压迫统治而得到完全自由,更要在这些民族中发展他们自己的民族文化和民族语言”。他们还向世界宣告无产阶级与被压迫民族是与它站在一条革命展现上,无产阶级专政的国家苏维埃共和国就是它巩固的联盟。 不过,自1949年在中共领导下王震率领解放军侵维吾尔人家园后“民族自决”的承诺从此消失。 1954年《新疆建设兵团》成立并在1955年的第一届党代表大会上批准了《关于新疆军区生产建设部队五年计划草案》的报告(1953-1957年)。计划规定:《第一个五年计划以发展农业为中心,以水利建设为先行,以北疆地区为重点,加速国营农场建设》。这是兵团独霸维吾尔地区土地和自然资源的起点。在这期间兵团没有考虑从地方招收支援青年而是从山东、河南、河北、甘肃、江苏、上海、天津等地招收大批汉人及转业复员解放军到维吾尔地区,至1960年末兵团总人口已达72.41万人,是1954年兵团成立时的4.1倍。到了1964年10月共接收安置了12.67万汉人在兵团。 1958年到1960年“大跃进”期间,兵团掀起垦荒造田建设水利的高潮,以开发名义完全控制了南疆塔里木河流域及北疆玛纳斯河流域并新建了农牧团场107个。塔里木河是维吾尔地区最长的内陆河、全长2179千米它仅次于原苏联的伏尔加河(3530千米),始称塔里木河、在维吾尔语里、意为“无缰之马”和“田地、种田”,它是维吾尔地区的农业发展最主要的水源之一。当时塔里木河两岸胡杨林浓荫蔽日、形成天然绿色长廊、沃野千里。中共“国家综考队”在1958年考察时统计显示:塔里木盆地生长着780万亩的胡杨林,其蓄积量可达540万立方米。不过到了1979年,新疆林业航测计算时,胡杨林已减少到420万亩,蓄积量为218万立方米,比1958年减少了46%。 自然的生态环境、人的生活质量、经济的可持续发展、社会的和谐安定等,都和水有着重要的联系,因此在维吾尔地区的南部,水的问题实际也是一个政治问题、社会问题。水紧缺为什么会在这些年越来越严重?荒漠化←水紧缺←耕地增多←大量开荒←汉族移民有计划的涌入造成水资源紧缺,尤其是塔里木河下游区域的生态不断恶化实际上就是汉人(包括兵团)开荒所造成。 60年代起,兵团各项事业在中共中央政府的各种扶持下得到了全面发展,农牧团场基本实现机械化、水利化、园林化。而维吾尔人的生活水平随着兵团的发展壮大也已经下降到贫困,落后及各种压力状态中。1962年的伊塔事件后,兵团根据新疆军区的指示,在中苏边境以配合“国防军”的名义增设了 58 个“边防工作站”,并增设农场。 就是说,从兵团这个特殊组织的建立开始,维吾尔人就面临了生存危机。从土改到农民合作社,强征清真寺土地,同时军事镇压反抗掠夺土地的维吾尔人,占有最优质和水源丰富的土地,兵团农业人口不足维吾尔地区总农业人口的9%,却占有全维吾尔地区总耕地面积的三分之一以上。 维吾尔地区的农牧业人口中维吾尔人占80%以上,但是,绝大多数被挤压在耕地不足的和田、喀什,克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州和阿克苏等四地州。这些地区的水资源基本上由兵团控制,维吾尔地区境内共有河流570多条(包括大河支流),除北部的额尔齐斯河流入北冰洋,南部的奇鲁卡普河等小河流入印度洋外,其余全属内陆河。其中年径流量1亿立方米以下的小河流有487条,年径流量1—10亿立方米的河流有66条,年径流量10亿立方米以上的大河,北疆主要有伊犁河、额尔齐斯河、乌伦古河、玛纳斯河,南疆主要有塔里木河、叶尔羌河、阿克苏河、和田河、喀什噶尔河、开都河。流经兵团团场的河流有400多条,上述10条大河都流径兵团。而中共统治维吾尔地区的前50年,没有在维吾尔人聚居的南疆四地州, 为这里的农民建立有效的储水设施,也未建防护林,导致这些地区土地缺乏灌溉,水土流失。 缺水,却资金援助,却政策扶持家上兵团的资源争夺让维吾尔人陷入了贫困的泥潭。 中共实施改革开放政策二十多年,由于片面追求经济利益,而置地方经济发展和民生、公平于不顾,使得维吾尔人不能从当地的资源开发中获得本应属于自己的利益,导致经济和社会发展相背离的结构性失调。随之而来的维吾尔人高失业率,南北疆的贫富差距明显拉大,并形成“贫困的南疆四地州”。 在中共统治下“新疆建设兵团”给维吾尔人民带来了史无前例的灾难。过去半个多世纪以来,兵团以它的特殊地位,在中国政府的资金和政策支持下从 “不与民争利”口号下的“屯垦戍边”转变为今天所谓“促进各民族交往交流交融”为主题的“维稳戍边”并成为了中共针对维吾尔人的种族灭绝计划中的“主角”。 根据由中共政治局委员、新疆维吾尔自治区原党委书记王乐泉炮制出来的内部报告“国家利益高于一切–新疆稳定问题的观察与思考”综合报告篇报告之二,“1950~1995年新疆地区反分裂斗争的历程”透露兵团驻扎维吾尔地区后所发生的重大维吾尔人抗争事件。 从王乐泉的此报告中不难看出,维吾尔人在中共统治下的1950-1997间在不断被兵团争夺资源及生存空间,因此维吾尔人也从未停止过对侵略者的拼死反抗。。。。不过中国政府始终不是站在解决问题一边,而是把维吾尔人集体当作敌人来对待。 随着中国的发展和壮大,中共对维吾尔人的敌视也不加掩饰的公开化。习近平于2008年4月11日在“王震诞辰的100周年几年日”座谈会上这样评价王震的:《王震同志是中国共产党的优秀党员,伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家,坚定的马克思主义者,党和国家的卓越领导人。他在六十多年的革命生涯中,为中国人民的解放和新中国的建立,为社会主义建设和改革开放事业,做出了重大贡献,深受全党全国各族人民的尊敬和爱戴》。 这种评价显然在推翻王震屠杀维吾尔人的罪行。在1949年解放军在王震的领导下进疆途中,凡遭武力抵抗,王震即大开杀戒,每一个解放军被杀,即杀十倍的维吾尔人以报复,有村庄窝藏“叛军”或不交出袭击解放军的“疑犯”,王震军队以大炮轰村进行屠杀。王力雄在他的《我的西域,你的东土》中引维吾尔异议知识份子资料说,王震杀害了六万维吾尔知识份子和宗教人士。 中共在维吾尔地区通过兵团来高压维吾尔人及人为制造贫穷,落后及不安宁。虽然1975年因不断发生的维吾尔人反抗事件,及地方民众的压力下兵团被中共曾短暂撤销。虽然有关当时撤销兵团的原因有不同的说法,但在这些说法唯一的共同点是,维吾尔人的反抗及不满就来自兵团的迫害。 新疆兵团一直以“维护地区稳定”与“和平”当作他们在维吾尔地区合法存在的理由。不过,根据维吾尔人目前的情况可以肯定,兵团在维吾尔地区常年与中共有计划有预谋的把维吾尔人推向贫穷的边缘。
Open Letter by Wu’er Kaixi, Founding Member of the Ilham Tohti Initiative
Open Letter by Wu’er Kaixi, Founding Member of the Ilham Tohti Initiative, in Support of Ilham Tohti’s Nomination for The Sakharov Prize 11 September, 2016 Exiled democracy activist Wu’er Kaixi presents an open letter to the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament in support of Ilham Tohti’s candidature for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought 2016. Dear Presidents, I write to you on behalf of the Ilham Tohti Initiative to urge your support in nominating Ilham Tohti for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. Ilham Tohti is the most respected intellectual Uyghur spokesperson in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Before being jailed for life in September 2014, Ilham Tohti strived to achieve dialogue and understanding between the Chinese and the Uyghurs – a Muslim-Turkic people who largely inhabit the PRC’s northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The Uyghurs are subject to religious, cultural and political repression imposed by Beijing. Ilham Tohti’s voice was one of moderation and reconciliation. For this, he received a lifetime jail sentence. For too long we have conveniently ignored the fact that the PRC’s values do not coincide with those of the civilized world – and let us remember that China not only jails its minorities; it jails anyone who defends human rights and gender rights, as well as lawyers and journalists who work in the interest of transparency. In the face of a refugee crisis unprecedented since World War II, as Europe embraces values of tolerance and inclusiveness, the PRC continues to leverage Chinese nationalism to the cost of those on the peripheries it claims governance over – Uyghurs, Tibetans, the citizens of Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Beijing rejects religious, cultural, and political pluralism. As a result, Ilham Tohti, a moderate intellectual who advocated dialogue and mutual understanding, will spend the rest […]
Uyghur Economist Freed, Warned [Archive]
RFA 2009-08-24 Chinese authorities release and warn a prominent Uyghur economist they accuse of inciting deadly riots in Urumqi. HONG KONG—A prominent Beijing-based economist and member of China’s Uyghur ethnic minority has been released without charge after he was detained for allegedly promoting separatism, but he said police then visited his home to warn him he could still be tried and executed. Ilham Tohti, a professor at Beijing’s Central Nationalities University, said his cell phone resumed service Saturday and he was released after more than one month in custody. But he said police knocked on his door late Monday to warn him against speaking out against the government’s handling of deadly July 5 riots that pitted mainly Muslim Uyghurs against majority Han Chinese in Urumqi, capital of China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. “They told me I could soon be sentenced—be sentenced to death, be ‘dealt with,’” Tohti said. Tohti said that one police officer remained in his home and stood by his side as he spoke with RFA in a telephone interview. “I did not want to see what happened in Xinjiang on July 5. Ordinary citizens must be left alone to go on with their lives…I do not harbor any conspiracies, but I want to firmly defend the legal rights of the Uyghur people,” he said. Detention Tohti said he had been detained partly in his home and in a hotel “somewhere near Beijing” for two weeks, during which time three or four policemen “chatted with me endlessly” both day and night. “I was unable to tell day from night. My head was spinning [from the questioning]…I spent more than 20 hours a day with them,” Tohti said. Tohti said he was never treated inhumanely during his detention, calling his captors “courteous” and “civilized,” even while he knew […]